Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tips to Attract a Hot Woman

According to some Guys they think that it takes movie-star looks and rock-star money to attract hot women. The sad truth is, most guys have no clue what it really takes to attract hot women -- or they'd already be doing it. Check out the top 10 ways to attract hot women. Get the "total 10" of your dreams to look your way in the first place, and then start to feel the kind of attraction that can make your dreams come true.

Get a track record
Hot women are competitive, way more than so-called "regular" women. When an extremely attractive woman discovers that you have things going on with other women, it increases her interest in a big way. In fact, the No. 1 thing that men who are successful with hot women have in common is a busy dating life. Hot women find that kind of challenge irresistible, so first and foremost do what it takes to start getting lots of dates with great, "regular" women.

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