Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tricks to Capture A Beautiful Woman

Once you've started a conversation with a beautiful woman, then it's really game on. The door's open, so you better step through fast or it will slam closed again. Just one Wuss move or lame line and she'll move on to the next guy in line. With that in mind, here are the top 10 ways to blow it with a beautiful woman.

A:No.1 - Working too hard to impress her
The fastest way to turn a beautiful woman off is to talk yourself up too much. When a guy goes off about his car or his job (or whatever), a woman will instantly classify him as either 1) full of it, or 2) having absolutely nothing else to offer. Bottom line: Even if you really do have it all going on, just hold back. She'll be much more impressed if she discovers for herself how awesome you are.

B:No.2 - Talking about what's next
Want to make a beautiful woman start looking around the room for another guy? Start talking about the "next step." As in, "I'll call you Friday," or "Let's have lunch tomorrow." First off, you're killing unpredictability and spontaneity. Second, you're killing any chance to ratchet up the excitement by making her wonder what's next. This is a way to blow it with a beautiful woman. Finally, you look desperate -- and that's just lethal.

C:No.3 - Asking for a kiss
It's basic to everything I teach: A man never asks for a kiss. If you do, you may as well tell a woman right there that you're a desperate, insecure Wuss. Asking for a kiss is what little boys do, and it goes against everything that any woman is looking for in a man. Even though her polite answer might be “yes” and make you think things are going well, her actual attraction level on the inside will plunge to an absolute zero

D:No.4 - Bringing up sex
Do I really have to say it? Start talking in a racy, suggestive way too early, and if a woman's not immediately repulsed by your sleaziness, she'll just think you're awkward and lame. Sure, if she brings it up first (and you really want to go there), then go ahead. But even then, step carefully. And never, ever be the one to start this conversation; you can only blow it.

E:No.5 - Asking for a date
Just like asking for a kiss, don't do it. Beautiful women want to be with men who are in control -- not little boys who have to ask for permission. So, in order to not blow it with a beautiful woman, don’t ask her if you can take her out -- tell her that it's what you're going to do. You're still "asking" her, of course, but you're doing it in a confident way. It's as simple as saying, “Let's hang out,” or “Hey, let’s go hiking together."

F:No.6 - Dissing her guy friends
The fastest way for a beautiful woman to identify you as weak and insecure is by dissing her guy friends, especially if you haven’t even met them. You're making yourself look scared of competition from guys you don't even know, which just screams fear and insecurity. So, keep your mouth shut when she talks about other guys and focus on everything you bring to the table instead. Like a great winning coach once said: Act like you've been here before

G:No.7 - Asking her what she wants to do
The old saying that women love a “man with a plan” couldn't be more true -- especially for beautiful women. So, when you start putting the wheels in motion to get a date, even if you're just calling a woman to hang out, make sure that you bring the game plan. Don’t leave it to her, or she'll instantly see you as a bore who will never take control and who will never deliver the fun and excitement that she craves.

H:No.8 - Following up too soon
I hear it all the time: A guy doesn't hear back from a woman, so he calls or texts asking why she hasn't pinged back. When you do that, you are immediately proving that you care way too much (you just met this woman -- it's too soon to care), and are giving her a guilt-trip that she'll resent. This is yet another way to blow it with a beautiful woman. So, if she doesn't return a message, here's what you need to do: ignore it. Proceed as if it never happened. Act like it's no big deal, and it won't be.

I:No.9 - Giving up the game plan
Remember: Beautiful women want a guy who is exciting and a challenge. If you start talking about "doing this" or "going there" too soon you will be laying out the whole future for her. Once she can see the future, excitement and unpredictability are dead. By the way, she'll also know that you're really into her and that she's “won” too quickly -- in other words, that you're not a challenge. Keep her guessing and you'll keep her intrigued.

J:No.10 - Asking her if she likes you
It hurts just writing this one. If I had to pick out the single most disastrous question a man can ask, the one guaranteed to shut down any woman’s attraction for good, this is it. Asking her, "Do you like me?" is the total opposite of everything I teach. It's the opposite of being confident; it's the opposite of being in control; it's the opposite of being a man. So, don’t ask -- just assume it. Proceed as if she does like you; after all, you'll find out the truth soon enough.

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