Sunday, October 10, 2010

Help Your Children In Reading Books

Helping your child become and remain a capable, life-long reader is one of the best things you can do as a dad long-term. Find out ways that dads help their children learn to read and to keep reading.
Lately, our local school district has been working hard to get fathers involved in their children's education. As I try to stay on top of fathers' issues in the media, my sense is that this is a growing trend. The epidemic of fatherlessness in the world has left children without one of their most important role models. And father's involvement is an important predictor of the success of his child's education. So what can a dad do who wants to help his kids learn to read and to keep reading all their lives? What I have discovered through my own experience and in researching this issue is that there are as many creative ideas as there are fathers.
Here are some ideas for helping your child come to love reading--ideas that any father can implement.

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