Tuesday, October 12, 2010

You Might As Well Do What You Love

When Wall Street crashed and jobs once considered most secure were lost, many gave up on business and law and decided to do what they love. It's the age-old choice between humanities and the sciences. Patricia Cohen wrote about the choice for The New York Times:
"Terry Shtob, the director of liberal arts at N.Y.U.'s continuing education school, said enrollment in arts and humanities programs for this fall grew 5 percent from last fall.
Many of those enrolled turned out to be laid-off Wall Street workers who were eligible for emergency retraining grants from the government. Ms. Shtob said her impression, after speaking to a few students, was that they had originally chosen careers in fields like business and law primarily because they felt those were financially secure. When that turned out not to be case, she said, they decided, 'I might as well do what I love.'"
It reminds me of Marsha Sinetar's book, "Do What You Love, the Money Will Follow."
Which did you choose? Sciences or arts? Which would you choose today?

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