Sunday, March 20, 2011

Importance of Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy

Professional Indemnity Insurance was historically a policy taken by professionals such as doctors and lawyers. However, with the image and definition of business changing ever so quickly there are various other professions that impart services to others and are at risk of being claimed against. Today the PI Insurance policy earlier confined to a few specific professions is a necessity for most other professions like consultants, architects, marketing managers, BPOs, KPOs, IT professionals and software designers, as well as other service providers such as fitness instructors.

So much so that the recent past has even seen wedding planners opt for this policy to protect themselves for claims lodged by their clients for errors and omissions and/or negligence on their part while rendering services. In the recent past there has been a growing trend of claims being made entities for errors made by their employees during the course of their employment. Thus, the reality of the situation is as scary as one can imagine. However, the various covers extended by underwriters across the globe makes it easier for you to protect yourselves and your businesses against such claims brought against you by your clients.

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