Sunday, March 20, 2011

Real Worth Of Home Insurance

So how can you know what value to insure your belongings for? What are they really worth? Have a look at the checklist below and make sure you include all of these items when calculating the value you want to insure for.

1. Furniture

This is quite an obvious one, but a lot of people only include their large items they believe to be of the highest value. Remember that coffee tables and shelves -- once all added up -- can also cost a lot to replace, just because they aren't vital doesn't mean they aren't worth counting!

2. White goods

Everything from your fridge to your dryer and microwave -- these items are usually some of the most expensive in your home and can be financially debilitating to replace all at once if necessary.

3. Electrical items

As well as including the likes of your television, computers, game consoles and media or musical players, ensure you record all their serial numbers to provide an easy way to identify them if they are stolen.

4. Jewellery

These items are often not replaceable, so putting a value on them can be difficult. Make sure you include everything, from the most expensive, to the most sentimental.

5. Decor items

Even if you don't own a Picasso, items like your paintings, vases, ornaments and antiques add value to your house by making it more attractive, but also make it unique to you.

6. Small items

There are a lot of items you are likely to forget because they are small and not necessarily associated with great value. Don't overlook books, CDs, DVDs, gadgets, all of your clothes, shoes and accessories, as well as items like cutlery and china.

7. Outside items

It's always handy to have a walk outside and through your garage to take proper stock of what you own. Remember to list bicycles, prams, tools and sports equipment when calculating the value for your contents insurance.

8. Things often forgotten

Fixtures. Just because they're tied down, doesn't mean you shouldn't insure them. Calculate your assets' worth with consideration of your dishwasher, carpet, curtains and rugs.

Everything else -- don't forget a thing, count all of your assets, big or small. Don't forget your food and alcohol, your linen, musical instruments, camping gear, or luggage.

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