Thursday, March 17, 2011

Types Of Insurance

Some Types of Insurance are given below.
Auto Insurance:
Auto insurance provides you the protection against fiscal loss of your vehicle if you passed through an accident. It is a treaty between the insurance company and you. If you are agree to pay the premium, the insurance company agrees to pay your sufferers.
Auto insurance provides you three aspects or sub categories. Namely, property, liability and medical coverage:
1) Property coverage: for theft of or damage to your car.
2) Liability coverage: for your legal accountability to others for bodily injury or property damage.
3) Medical coverage: for the cost of healing injuries, psychoanalysis and sometimes (God forbid) lost wages and funeral expenses.
Home Insurance:
Home insurance offers recompense for damage or destruction of a home from adversities and disasters. In some areas, in accordance with different and critical
geographical conditions, the standard insurances exclude certain types of disasters, such as flood and earthquakes, which require bonus coverage. Maintenance-related problems are the homeowners' answerability. The policy may comprise inventory, or this can be bought as a separate policy, especially for people who rent housing.
Health Insurance:
Health insurance policies cover the cost of medical remedies. Dental insurance, similar to medical insurance, is coverage for individuals to protect them against dental expenditure. In the U.S., dental insurance is often part of an employer's benefits package, together with health insurance.
Life Insurance:
Life insurance affords a monetary benefit to a decedent's family or other nominated beneficiary, and may specifically provide for income to an insured person's family, burial, funeral and other final expenses. Life insurance policies often allow the option of having the proceeds paid to the beneficiary either in a lump sum cash payment or an annuity.
Some other types of Insurance are given without detail.Life

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